Dhana & Indra (working title) is a feature-length documentary chronicling a year in the life of a handful of newly arrived immigrant and refugee students at Oakland International High School, an innovative public school that educates non-English speaking students in English only. Seventeen-year-old Dhana Poudel and 15-year-old Indra Karki arrived in Oakland, California, during the summer of 2008, two of more than 60,000 Bhutanese-Nepali refugees resettling in the US. They and their families are now part of the fastest growing Bhutanese-Nepali community in the US, as some 5,000 refugees take up residence in the San Francisco Bay Area. Through Dhana and Indra’s day-to-day experiences during their first three years in America, Dhana & Indra will bring into focus their personal transformations and challenges, explore contemporary topics such as education and immigration, and tap into universal themes of personal freedom, family and community.